One, I am blessed beyond what I could've ever asked for with two loving daughters and my wife, Jessica. They are a breath of fresh air whenever I see them, and their love for me and one another is overflowing. Thank you, Jesus!
Two, it's been an absolute joy to be living out a dream with Jessica. She and I have been given the opportunity to write music and perform that music to thousands of area middle and high school students. God opened the door for "Jeremiah's Passion" to be formed at the end of 2009. In 2010, we have been given an amazing platform to preach God's word through our Christ-centric music. Our new album, "Throw Down" is in duplication and is set to be available by mid-January! You can visit our band website,, for more details.
Last, not every detail of 2010 has been through the roof. This year has been a difficult one in ministry. I've really been put through the fire with various circumstances I've had to walk through. However, Romans 8:28 says, that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I can stand with confidence, trusting that my God is using all of the difficulties to work for his glory. There is a greater purpose that I don't understand. There is a bigger picture, and I am only seeing a piece of that picture. But in God's timing, it will be made known, and it will make sense. Relationships will be restored. Hurts will be forgiven. And God's ultimate plan of ushering in his kingdom with Christ as King will be played out. Because of that, I have nothing to fear.
So, thank you, Jesus. You are glorious! Looking forward to another amazing year of life, your servant, Jed.
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