Friday, June 20, 2008


In my attempt to be more with the times I have started my first official "blog." Ten years ago the word blog did not even exist, let alone be something as widely used to communicate with peers and others across the world. Anyway... Let me go ahead and share with some of you my vision for this blog of mine.
  1. I want to use every medium available in our technological world to connect with people. I do not wish to be a pastor that shows up on Sundays and Wednesdays, shakes a few hands, gives a few hugs, then calls it a day. I wish for more intimacy than that.

  2. I would like to pose some challenging topics that the readers can think about and possibly engage with one-another throughout the weeks.

  3. Pastors are people... as real as anyone. We struggle with the same things everyone does. I'd like to share some of the insights I have with real life issues...

I'm sure if I was more prepared in my presentation, I could come up with the perfect 3-point sermon, but I'm just jotting down what comes to mind. Nothing too deep.

Lord, I do ask that you would use this site to create a network of people who love you and can encourage one-another as you've instructed us to do. Lead me in all that I post and write about. Let this blog not just be a page of gossip but one of insight and truth and life-changing conversations. Amen.

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